We are pleased to inform you that we have just launched the new YouTube and Instagram series called “MST Masterclass”. In these brief movies, we will describe a complete TEE examination performed by young cardiologists or cardiology residents who are currently not performing TEE studies. All demonstration will be performed with use of our best MrTEEmothy® simulator.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 01 - Indications and complications of TEE
In this video prof. Andrzej Gackowski describes some basic information about TEE examination, indications and most frequent complications. We will publish each video every Monday - starting from now. Good luck, and enjoy our educational content. Be sure to click subscribe and observe the rest of the Masterclass.
MST Masterclass – Lesson 02 – How to insert the TEE probe
We present the 2nd video in the MST Masterclass series. This time it covers from basic probe information about TEE examination. We discuss here how to put the TEE probe into the patient’s mouth, possible swallowing problems, and what must be done before every TEE examination.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 03 - First steps in TEE
What were your first steps in TEE? Or maybe this is still in front of you? Lesson 3 will help you do first steps in your first TEE examination.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 04 - Movements of the TEE probe
Lesson 4 is about learning how to handle the probe and what movements we can do during TEE. A brief explanation of buttons available on the probe – what they do while rotation clock-wise or counter clock-wise.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 05 - Overview of different depths of TEE examination
Here we briefly present the basic TEE probe levels of examination following current American Society of Echocardiography guidelines (ASE 2022) by Prof. Rebecca T. Hahn, MD, FASE et al.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 06 - Depths of TEE examination in practice
Next episode of TEE probe movements during first TEE examination. Check how we can quickly assess all of the views and how easy it is to learn how to do so before your first attempt with an actual patient.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 07 - Plane rotation and probe rotation
How to rotate the probe and how to rotate the plane of examination? What are the differences in those rotations in our MrTEEmothy® best CT-based TEE simulator.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 08 - Anteflex and retroflex
Here we present the basic description of flexing the transesophageal TEE probe to further start the examination of a simulated-patient-based on a realistic CT-heart model.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 09 - Performing the first TEE: upper esophageal position
If you want to improve your manoeuvrability of the TEE probe – check out this video.This time upper esophageal views! What can be seen from UE position, and how to do it better and simply.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 10 - Performing the first TEE: aortic valve examination
This time evaluation of the aortic valve. How to do it properly? Remember to keep your point of interest in the very centre of the image. See it from two orthogonal perspectives - to analyse it better or simply use xPlane mode if your machine can do so. Simple? Practice, practice, practice… best results after intensive training on a TEE simulator like MrTEEmothy®.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 11 - RV inflow and outflow and bicaval view
RV inflow-outflow and bicaval views are very important for many structural heart interventions such as: MitraClip or LAAO procedures or many others. Please appreciate our new release of MST MasterClass about those projections in TEE examination. Practice makes perfect!
MST Masterclass - Lesson 12 - Assessment of the mitral valve (part 1)
Now is finally the time for the mitral valve assessment. Here we present how to properly go into the assessment of mitral leaflets and regurgitation. How to go back to mitral valve assessment from what you performed before.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 13 - Assessment of the mitral valve (part 2)
Please find the second video about the mitral valve assessment. Here we present how to properly go into the assessment of mitral leaflets and regurgitation. Specifically: how to optimize the image for mitral annulus, switching from 4ch view to commissural view, which are mostly used in TEE examination.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 14 - Mitral valve 3D view
Here we present the 3rd movie about mitral valve assessment. Please watch a complete video set about mitral valve, including two of our previous movies. I ensure you, you will find it useful. We present a very educational video about anatomical relations between mitral and aortic valves. We explain how xPlane mode works and how a 3D view can be useful in mitral valve assessment.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 15 - Mitral valve 3D view
Left atrial appendage (LAA) assessment remains the most frequent reason for performing transesophageal echocardiography. Here we present how to perform such analysis with our MrTEEmothy TEE Simulator.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 16 - Transgastric position
Here we present one of the most challenging views in echocardiography - transgastric views. They are problematic because they usually are uncomfortable for patients - therefore, a vast possibility to learn from our MrTEEmohy would be a great chance to master your skills before your first attempt to TG views.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 17 - Transgastric LVOT, aortic valve and ascending aorta
Measuring velocities and gradients through the aortic valve and LVOT is crucial during TEE assessment. Here we briefly present how to go to longitudinal transgastric view and how making the doppler CW or PW coaxially to measured flow is essential to correct results.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 18 - Deep transgastric position
Now we are going a bit deeper – to deep transgastric views. Follow simple rules at the beginning to go further.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 19 - Performing first TEE examination (patient 1)
Performing first TEE examination is challenging!This is why, it's easier with MrTEE simulator. Practicing TEE movements and manoeuvres can help both you and your patients to avoid common mistakes.
Please enjoy this video on how Dr. Aleksander Siniarski is trying to perform complete TEE examination, of course with tutoring of Prof. Andrzej Gackowski.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 20 - Performing first TEE examination (patient 2)
Performing the second TEE examination by Dr. Aleksander Siniarski. As usual, an expert Prof. Andrzej Gackowski, is making some comments how to improve your skills in the TEE examination. Check what mistakes would you do during your TEE examination and how to avoid them? Practice, practice, practice. And the best way to practice TEE in a stressless environment is definitely the MrTEEmothy simulator. Check the full version with the phantom and PC included or an online version of the simulator on which you can practice on your laptop.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 21 - ASE trainer demonstration
With MrTEEmothy it becomes straightforward to practice TEE examination. The function of ASE trainer is a very useful tool in learning to be better each examination during you first simulator-based TEE movements.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 22 - ASE trainer first attempt
First attempt to do full training with ASE trainer. Great possibility to learn with this tool - so intuitive and very fun to use!
MST Masterclass - Lesson 23 - ASE trainer for the first time
Very first steps in TEE examination performed by young cardiology trainee - Dr. Aleksandra Woźniak. It nicely shows that it doesn't matter what your initial skills are. You can really improve them by practising on our MrTEEmothy TEE simulator. Even being an expert in the TEE, you can definitely learn something new and important for your daily practice.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 01 - Indications and complications of TEE In this video prof. Andrzej Gackowski describes some basic information about TEE examination, indications and most frequent complications. We will publish each video every Monday - starting from now. Good luck, and enjoy our educational content. Be sure to click subscribe and observe the rest of the Masterclass.
MST Masterclass – Lesson 02 – How to insert the TEE probe We present the 2nd video in the MST Masterclass series. This time it covers from basic probe information about TEE examination. We discuss here how to put the TEE probe into the patient’s mouth, possible swallowing problems, and what must be done before every TEE examination.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 03 - First steps in TEE What were your first steps in TEE? Or maybe this is still in front of you? Lesson 3 will help you do first steps in your first TEE examination.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 04 - Movements of the TEE probe Lesson 4 is about learning how to handle the probe and what movements we can do during TEE. A brief explanation of buttons available on the probe – what they do while rotation clock-wise or counter clock-wise.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 05 - Overview of different depths of TEE examination Here we briefly present the basic TEE probe levels of examination following current American Society of Echocardiography guidelines (ASE 2022) by Prof. Rebecca T. Hahn, MD, FASE et al.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 06 - Depths of TEE examination in practice Next episode of TEE probe movements during first TEE examination. Check how we can quickly assess all of the views and how easy it is to learn how to do so before your first attempt with an actual patient.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 07 - Plane rotation and probe rotation How to rotate the probe and how to rotate the plane of examination? What are the differences in those rotations in our MrTEEmothy® best CT-based TEE simulator.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 08 - Anteflex and retroflex Here we present the basic description of flexing the transesophageal TEE probe to further start the examination of a simulated-patient-based on a realistic CT-heart model.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 09 - Performing the first TEE: upper esophageal position If you want to improve your manoeuvrability of the TEE probe – check out this video.This time upper esophageal views! What can be seen from UE position, and how to do it better and simply.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 10 - Performing the first TEE: aortic valve examination This time evaluation of the aortic valve. How to do it properly? Remember to keep your point of interest in the very centre of the image. See it from two orthogonal perspectives - to analyse it better or simply use xPlane mode if your machine can do so. Simple? Practice, practice, practice… best results after intensive training on a TEE simulator like MrTEEmothy®.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 11 - RV inflow and outflow and bicaval view RV inflow-outflow and bicaval views are very important for many structural heart interventions such as: MitraClip or LAAO procedures or many others. Please appreciate our new release of MST MasterClass about those projections in TEE examination. Practice makes perfect!
MST Masterclass - Lesson 12 - Assessment of the mitral valve (part 1) Now is finally the time for the mitral valve assessment. Here we present how to properly go into the assessment of mitral leaflets and regurgitation. How to go back to mitral valve assessment from what you performed before.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 13 - Assessment of the mitral valve (part 2) Please find the second video about the mitral valve assessment. Here we present how to properly go into the assessment of mitral leaflets and regurgitation. Specifically: how to optimize the image for mitral annulus, switching from 4ch view to commissural view, which are mostly used in TEE examination.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 14 - Mitral valve 3D view Here we present the 3rd movie about mitral valve assessment. Please watch a complete video set about mitral valve, including two of our previous movies. I ensure you, you will find it useful. We present a very educational video about anatomical relations between mitral and aortic valves. We explain how xPlane mode works and how a 3D view can be useful in mitral valve assessment.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 15 - Mitral valve 3D view Left atrial appendage (LAA) assessment remains the most frequent reason for performing transesophageal echocardiography. Here we present how to perform such analysis with our MrTEEmothy TEE Simulator.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 16 - Transgastric position Here we present one of the most challenging views in echocardiography - transgastric views. They are problematic because they usually are uncomfortable for patients - therefore, a vast possibility to learn from our MrTEEmohy would be a great chance to master your skills before your first attempt to TG views.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 17 - Transgastric LVOT, aortic valve and ascending aorta Measuring velocities and gradients through the aortic valve and LVOT is crucial during TEE assessment. Here we briefly present how to go to longitudinal transgastric view and how making the doppler CW or PW coaxially to measured flow is essential to correct results.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 18 - Deep transgastric position Now we are going a bit deeper – to deep transgastric views. Follow simple rules at the beginning to go further.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 19 - Performing first TEE examination (patient 1) Performing first TEE examination is challenging!This is why, it's easier with MrTEE simulator. Practicing TEE movements and manoeuvres can help both you and your patients to avoid common mistakes.
Please enjoy this video on how Dr. Aleksander Siniarski is trying to perform complete TEE examination, of course with tutoring of Prof. Andrzej Gackowski.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 20 - Performing first TEE examination (patient 2) Performing the second TEE examination by Dr. Aleksander Siniarski. As usual, an expert Prof. Andrzej Gackowski, is making some comments how to improve your skills in the TEE examination. Check what mistakes would you do during your TEE examination and how to avoid them? Practice, practice, practice. And the best way to practice TEE in a stressless environment is definitely the MrTEEmothy simulator. Check the full version with the phantom and PC included or an online version of the simulator on which you can practice on your laptop.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 21 - ASE trainer demonstration With MrTEEmothy it becomes straightforward to practice TEE examination. The function of ASE trainer is a very useful tool in learning to be better each examination during you first simulator-based TEE movements.
MST Masterclass - Lesson 22 - ASE trainer first attempt First attempt to do full training with ASE trainer. Great possibility to learn with this tool - so intuitive and very fun to use!
MST Masterclass - Lesson 23 - ASE trainer for the first time Very first steps in TEE examination performed by young cardiology trainee - Dr. Aleksandra Woźniak. It nicely shows that it doesn't matter what your initial skills are. You can really improve them by practising on our MrTEEmothy TEE simulator. Even being an expert in the TEE, you can definitely learn something new and important for your daily practice.